Retail's Loyalty Forum
Presented by True Fit

Wednesday, April 14th
4:30PM - 6:30PM BST | 11:30AM - 1:30PM ET | 8:30AM-10:30AM PT
The accelerated shift to ecommerce has given shoppers exposure to brands they weren’t familiar with previously. So how can retailers turn this influx of first time shoppers into repeat customers, and ultimately loyal customers?

During Retail's Loyalty Forum, we’ll explore the opportunity that retailers have to improve retention and loyalty RIGHT NOW.

Tune in to hear Keynote Peter Fader, consumer behavior and customer lifetime value pioneer, discuss the changing nature of retention and development in a customer-centric world.
Stay to listen to consumer behavior and loyalty expert panelists Michael Solomon, Ken Fenyo, Anna Cole of Carhartt and Michele Love for a conversation about driving emotional connections with first time and repeat shoppers.

Leave with strategies to improve customer engagement at your organization and ultimately cultivate a new wave of loyalty.

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Retail's Loyalty Forum

- Some 37% of consumers say they shop with more brands than they did one year ago.
- Only 5-6% of first time shoppers during the pandemic have made repeat purchases             
   with new retailers.
- What’s more, 46% of consumers claim to be less loyal to brands than they used to be. 

Join Retail's Loyalty Forum to learn how to shake up the current customer experience and generate more repeat customers.

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